
Government Employees Training

Perform Managerial, Functional and Technical Training for government employees

In Article 16 of Law Number 3 of 2014 (Undang-Undang Number 3 of 2014) concerning Industry it is stated that the development of industrial human resources is carried out to produce competent human resources in order to increase the role of Indonesian human resources in the industrial sector. The development of industrial human resources is carried out by the Government, Regional Government, industry players, and the community. Industrial human resources consist of industrial entrepreneurs, industrial workers, industrial supervisors and industrial consultants. Development of industrial supervisors is carried out to produce competent industrial coaches to be able to play a role in industrial empowerment.

The Ministry of Industry through the Center for Development, Education and Training of Government HR seeks to encourage the transformation of conventional education and training (training) into human capital management based training through the development of Government Employees corporate university . This breakthrough education and training scheme has various progressive and educative training systems, such as e-learning, coaching, mentoring and on the job training.

In order to realize competent Government Employees, it is necessary to have job competency standards that must be possessed by every Government Employees in accordance with Law Number 5 of 2014 (Undang-Undang Number 5 of 2014) concerning the State Civil Apparatus, which consists of technical competency standards, managerial competency standards, and socio-cultural competencies. Technical competence is measured by the level and specialization of education, functional technical training, and technical work experience, managerial competence is measured by the level of education, structural or management training, and leadership experience and socio-cultural competence as measured by work experience related to a pluralistic society in terms of religion. , ethnicity, and culture so that they have national insight.

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Managerial Training


Functional Training


Technical Training

Managerial Training
  • Provides insight, knowledge, expertise, skills, attitudes and behavior in the field of leadership.
  • Forming leadership competence in certain structural positions.
  • Training is designed in stages from supervisor, administrator, to primary, middle, and main high leadership levels.
Functional Training
  • Provides the knowledge and skills required for a specific functional position.
  • Achieving competency requirements according to the type and level of each functional position.
Technical Training
  • Training undertaken to achieve technical competency requirements.
  • This technical competence is the ability of government employees in certain technical fields that are used for the implementation of their respective duties.